Australia is heading into Spring, and the vibrant green trees and blooming flowers feel ironically symbolic of my escape from the United States.
After 6 months of enduring New York City during Covid, 14 days in a Sydney hotel room, and 14 days confined to my apartment, “normal” life in Tasmania is bliss. Once mundane tasks are now thrilling. Perusing the snack aisle at the grocery store, buying soap from a drug store (which is called a “chemist” here), and getting a cup of coffee are all exciting outings. Who needs fancy restaurants and sky diving when you can get the same thrill from buying socks and underwear at the Big W?
Jeremy has introduced me to several co-workers and friends, and the handshakes and hugs catch me off guard as I fight the urge to immediately pump out globs of hand sanitizer to all parties involved in the communal exchange. I feel socially awkward and out of practice when it comes to meeting someone new. Come to think of it… I guess small talk and pleasantries have never been my strong suit.
Just as how I adapted to a covid-weary life, I’m 100% confident in my ability to adjust once more (although my hand shaking and hugging skills have a long ways to go.)
Apart from being flabbergasted over seeing people’s mouths and the novelty of no social distancing, my travel itch is finally being scratched as I’ve been diving into exploring Hobart, Tasmania.
I still find myself veering 6 feet over on the side walk and leaving massive gaps in line. Sometimes I frantically dig through my bag looking for a mask before realizing I don’t need one. I’m still afraid to cough in public, and big groups of close bodies freak me out.
Disclaimer: I haven’t strayed too far from home. Sharing my opinions on Tasmanian culture is like someone who has never left Brooklyn claiming to understand the culture of all 5 boroughs. However, what’s the point of a blog on the internet if you don’t draw broad conclusions from individual encounters?
On the road:
Driving on the other side of the road has proven to be quite the challenge for me. I feel unnervingly close to the center line and am convinced I will hit oncoming cars head on. Jeremy says I won’t, but I’m not so sure.
Rules of the Road:
The People:
The Food:
The freshness of the food here is unbelievable. Not everything is pumped with hormones, sprayed with pesticides, or filled with chemicals. A loaf of bread will get moldy in a couple days and meat will go bad if you don’t eat it by the “sell by” date. I bought an overpriced bushel of beats at a local farmer’s market and was distraught to find that they had gone back the very next day. I’m used to food lasting longer, and it has been an adjustment to adapt my eating accordingly to minimize food waste.
Restaurants with locally sourced ingredients don’t get the trendy “farm to table” label (unless it’s actually at a farm, which is common), rather, it’s just the standard.
Here are my three favorite food experiences thus far:
This double bacon cheeseburger was the first post-quarantine meal I had, and it was nothing short of divine. Australian beef is a huge deal (I’ll work on a post about this later!), and you better believe this burger was tender, juicy, and packed with flavor.
2. Van Diemen’s Land Creamery
Van Diemen’s Land Creamery serves up wickedly fresh ice cream that makes it from the cow to consumer in under 24 hours. Its humble beginnings started on a Tasmania dairy farm 15 years ago where Paul Amourgis milked the cows and Jan Amourgis made the ice cream. They took their product across the state to various events to build their brand, and now you can get a scoop at various restaurants and delicatessen’s as well as at their brick and morter shops at the Hobart waterfront and Elizabeth Town.
Let me tell you, this ice cream is nothing short of perfection. It is unbelievably creamy with rich, complex flavors that are beautifully subtle without being overwhelmingly sweet.
3. Room for a Pony
We have tried out three different pizza spots, but this one has been my favorite. There was a beautiful heat from the nduja sausage sauce that permeated throughout the pizza, and while I initially scoffed at the semi-hard parmesan, it actually gave the pizza a sharp flavor with a touch of texture that was more sophisticated than heaps of melting cheese alone. The pepperoni was chopped into thin slices as oppose to round cups, which meant it was evenly spread across each bite and you didn’t need to endure that awkward moment of trying to bite a pepperoni in half just to be left with half of it hanging out of your mouth.
My great Australian adventure is just beginning. Stay tuned for the exploring, discovering, and eating to come!
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View Comments
Best of luck with everything in Tasmania, it must be a joy to be out and about after two weeks in a hotel room. What a year it has been! We still have to wear masks in Ireland and many counties, Dublin including, are back in a lockdown. Can't wait to see the end of this 😊 Aiva
2020 certainly is a year we will never forget, that's for sure! Stay safe in Ireland!
Should be a great place to adjust to..haven't been there..maybe a bit like Australia..can you go to Australia without quarantine.
Unfortunately, you still need to quarantine when entering Australia. State to state boarders are starting to lift, but entry and exit are still heavily regulated.
i think Tasmania might be worth a trip for us should we able in summer sometime, maybe feb. if we can. short getaway its is paradise. And so much calmer than Melbourne. I actually would like to live there! By the way another you may have missed - beetroot instead of 'beets' ;)
The change of pace from NYC to Tasmania has been really refreshing. When possible, I'm actually dying to get to Melbourne. I hear there is a cool arts scene and that there is some great food :) Man I'll have to add beetroot to my vocabulary, thanks for pointing it out!!
Great blog. It’s not such a small world after all?
Do you see many very heavy folks there? About like the US? Dad
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🤩 Australia seems amazing and cool! Its on bucket list to go some day. The down side is that its 24hrs from me! What a ✈️ that would be! Have fun and I can’t wait to read your adventures! ❤️
I've made the journey over from New York twice now, and boy is it tough hahaha. Worth it once you land though :)
Oh man! Im sure it is! Enjoy it and stay safe ❤️
Ha! This is a gun read Katie, we also say overtake in Nigeria but I've never found it offensive. As for the signals, many Nigerians say "trafficate" which isn't actually an English word.
It's great that you concluded with culture and food. I too love breaking down places this way.
First thing that came off my mind when I saw Tasmania is the Tasmanian Devil. Is there any chance you saw one on your many adventure?
I've never heard the word "trafficate", how interesting!
I am yet to see a Tasmanian Devil, but I am certainly on the lookout!
Yes. Yes. Post when you see one. It's not a word, it's all made up! 😂
The stuffed toys in windows are so that kids had a fun thing to do during COVID. Parents would take their children on walks to spot them 😊. Just Hobart things.
Oh awesome, thanks! It has been quite the mystery to me!