
Fact, Fiction, or Popular Opinion?: An Exploration Into the Dangers of Repost Culture and Confirmation Bias

Forget wacky conspiracy theories, corrupt politicians, and bad journalism. Confirmation bias and repost culture are the biggest threats to progress…

4 years ago

Exploring Our Cognitive Errors: A Deep Dive Into Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is a devious cognitive error that gets between us and the truth. I explore the facts here.

4 years ago

Biting Into the Whole Truth: Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes?

Why do doughnuts have holes? I embarked on a quest for the whole truth and dug up 4 theories.

4 years ago

“Donuts… Mmmmmm….”: The Meaning Behind National Donut Day, June 4th, 2021

What is the meaning behind National Donut Day? Click here to find out!

4 years ago

“Live for the Now!”: Reflections on Juggling the Past, Present, and Future

"Live for the Now" is a current school of thought popular among young adults. But what about learning from the…

4 years ago

The Curious Life and History of Pie

The life of pie certainly is curious. I sunk my teeth in to learn more!

4 years ago

The Top 5 Waterfalls in Queensland That You Need to See to Believe

After visiting dozens of waterfalls in Queensland, Australia, we've picked our favorites. Here are the top 5 waterfalls in Queensland…

4 years ago

The Top 11 Waterfalls in Queensland, Part 1: #11-#6

Over the course of our two month Queensland road trip, we visited dozens of waterfalls. To kick off our top…

4 years ago

“If you don’t mind me asking… how are you affording your travels?”: My Secrets, Revealed.

How have I been affording my travels around Australia without a working visa? My secrets, revealed!

4 years ago

Brushing Elbows With a Dinosaur: A Rare Southern Cassowary Sighting

Mission: Spot a rare southern cassowary. Spoiler alert... mission possible!

4 years ago