
What Does 51 Years of Marriage Take?: An Interview With the Experts

What does it take to make 51 years of marriage work? I asked the experts, my mom and dad, to…

4 years ago

Brisbane vs NYC COVID Lockdowns: 5 Key Differences

Brisbane has entered a 3 day lockdown as cases have been rising. How does it differ from the 2020 lockdowns…

4 years ago

Fact, Fiction, or Popular Opinion?: An Exploration Into the Dangers of Repost Culture and Confirmation Bias

Forget wacky conspiracy theories, corrupt politicians, and bad journalism. Confirmation bias and repost culture are the biggest threats to progress…

4 years ago

Exploring Our Cognitive Errors: A Deep Dive Into Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias is a devious cognitive error that gets between us and the truth. I explore the facts here.

4 years ago

Biting Into the Whole Truth: Why Do Doughnuts Have Holes?

Why do doughnuts have holes? I embarked on a quest for the whole truth and dug up 4 theories.

4 years ago

“Donuts… Mmmmmm….”: The Meaning Behind National Donut Day, June 4th, 2021

What is the meaning behind National Donut Day? Click here to find out!

4 years ago

“Live for the Now!”: Reflections on Juggling the Past, Present, and Future

"Live for the Now" is a current school of thought popular among young adults. But what about learning from the…

4 years ago

The Curious Life and History of Pie

The life of pie certainly is curious. I sunk my teeth in to learn more!

4 years ago

The Birthday Questions: Goodbye 27, Hello 28!

For every birthday, I ask "The Birthday Questions." Today, it's my turn to take the hot seat!

4 years ago

The Problem With the Question: “What Am I Doing With My Life?”

"What am I doing with my life?" If this question gives you as much anxiety as it often gives to…

4 years ago