Are modern times really that awful and was everything really better in the past? Lew Askegaard shares his insights on…
Should student loans be forgiven? I dive into the research to determine if student debt forgiveness is economically savvy or…
Body positivity is inherently negative. It's time to shift towards being self positive and towards what actually matters: You.
What is daily life in Tasmania like during COVID-19? Well, it's pretty normal. I explore the hows and whys here.
What was it like working on the New York COVID-19 front line? Here's my story of chaos, confusion, and a…
History repeats itself. But how can we learn from the past if we aren’t taught it or if we ignore…
The things that are “essential” allow provide food for the body, the things that are “nonessential” provide food for the…
What is Wagyu, why is it so expensive, and is it worth the price tag? Learn more here!
Why are some eggs refrigerated while others aren't? Are brighter yolk healthier? What's the deal with egg shell thickness? Get…
What does "The World Is My Oyster!" really mean? Hint: It's not what you think!