
A Platypus Love Affair and Waddling Echidnas: A Day of Monotreme Magic at The Platypus House in Tasmania

The platypus is a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal that's only native to Eastern Australia. And oh yeah, the males are poisonous!…

4 years ago

Why Do We Do What We Do?: Politics and the Brain Explained

Is American politics completely irrational? Lew Askegaard is back to chat about politics and the brain to help us make…

4 years ago

Katie vs Cockroach: An Exploration Into the Fear of Bugs

Why are so many humans afraid of bugs and spiders? I dive into what the research says and share my…

4 years ago

What Make Fries “French?”: The Curious History of French Fries

What makes french fries "French?" Both France and Belgium claim to be the inventors of the french fry, and I…

4 years ago

Love and Hate, Success and Failure: My Tumultuous Relationship with NYC

New York City has taken me on quite the journey. It's been amazing, terrible, uplifting, and defeating. And I'd do…

4 years ago

Free College: Progressive, Revolutionary, and Wildly Impossible

Is Joe Biden's Free College plan absolute genius or incredibly stupid? The academia expert (and my dad), Lew, weighs in.

4 years ago

Kangaroos: Friends or Food?

Are kangaroos friend or food? I dive into both sides of the kangaroo industry here!

5 years ago

“She Was Asking for It…”: Thoughts on Appearance, Sexual Harassment, and Being a Woman

"She was asking for it..." Here's my food for thought on appearance, sexual harassment, and being a woman.

5 years ago

What Influencers Don’t Want You to Know

Happy 1st birthday to The Frugal Foodies! Here are some of things I learned, and what the other influencers don't…

5 years ago

Flat Rate Unemployment Checks: Effective and Efficient or Financially Reckless and Irresponsible?

Are flat rate unemployment checks effective and efficient or financially reckless and irresponsible?

5 years ago