Chew on This

USA vs the World: Picking Your Battles Wisely

What should the USA be doing about Ukraine? Lewis Askegaard weighs in.

3 years ago

What’s It Really Like in NYC During Omicron?: My 3 Hour Journey to Get a COVID Test

New York City is magical during the holiday season. Cheery Christmas trees, holiday markets, and festive decorations transform the concrete…

3 years ago

My Vendetta Against Complacency: Goodbye Aus, Hello USA!

After spending 13 months in Australia, it has finally come time to say goodbye. Grieving the end of one chapter…

3 years ago

4 Reasons Why Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Supporters Should Be Anti-Texas Heartbeat Bill

When it comes to polarizing topics, abortion takes the cake.  “When does life begin?” is a surprisingly complicated question to…

4 years ago

This One’s On Me?: A Deep Dive Into First Date Etiquette

What is proper first date etiquette when it comes to covering the tab? I dive into the different sides, and…

4 years ago

Anti-Lockdowns, Anti-Vax, Anti-Elitism: The Root Causes of the Australian Protests, Revealed

Saturday,  August 21st,  I followed Anti-Vax and Anti-Lockdown signs into the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. Immersing yourself in an opposing viewpoint…

4 years ago

My COVID Jab: An Unexpected Side Effect They Didn’t Warn Me About…

I snagged a jab in Brisbane!! Here's what the process entailed, the aftermath, and a healthy dose of food for…

4 years ago

What Does 51 Years of Marriage Take?: An Interview With the Experts

What does it take to make 51 years of marriage work? I asked the experts, my mom and dad, to…

4 years ago

Brisbane vs NYC COVID Lockdowns: 5 Key Differences

Brisbane has entered a 3 day lockdown as cases have been rising. How does it differ from the 2020 lockdowns…

4 years ago

Fact, Fiction, or Popular Opinion?: An Exploration Into the Dangers of Repost Culture and Confirmation Bias

Forget wacky conspiracy theories, corrupt politicians, and bad journalism. Confirmation bias and repost culture are the biggest threats to progress…

4 years ago