Chew on This

Flat Rate Unemployment Checks: Effective and Efficient or Financially Reckless and Irresponsible?

Are flat rate unemployment checks effective and efficient or financially reckless and irresponsible?

5 years ago

Life, Liberty, and the Freedom to Not Wear a Mask?

Are masks an infringement on freedom? Here is some food for thought on the subject.

5 years ago

Justice, Charity, and Chicken: What You Don’t Know About Chick-fil-A

Should you really eat more chicken? Click here to learn about where Chick-fil-A is putting it's dollars... the answer may…

5 years ago

A Call to Shutdown Misinformation, Not Wet Markets

The false perception of the wet markets is a classic example of how we can't believe everything we are told.…

5 years ago

Lobster: The Ultimate Tale of Rags to Riches

Lean why the lobster is the ultimate example of the American Dream.

5 years ago

“No Justice, No Peace.” A First Hand Account of a New York City Protest

I joined thousands of marchers in a BLM protest to the murder of George Floyd in 2020.

5 years ago

The Unexpected Culprit of Racism

Perhaps the answer to equality needs to start with looking in the mirror.

5 years ago

Life Perspective: A Downhill Strategy

Fighting an uphill battle is a rarely a wise strategy. Perhaps it's time to embrace the down...

5 years ago

The Birthday Questions: 27

Every year for every birthday, I ask a series of questions. Now I guess it's that time for me to…

5 years ago

Culture, Cocktails, and China: Unique Experience in Beijing

An account of a fascinating conversation I had at a bar in Beijing. We talked politics, guns, and culture, and…

5 years ago