Are flat rate unemployment checks effective and efficient or financially reckless and irresponsible?
Are masks an infringement on freedom? Here is some food for thought on the subject.
Should you really eat more chicken? Click here to learn about where Chick-fil-A is putting it's dollars... the answer may…
The false perception of the wet markets is a classic example of how we can't believe everything we are told.…
Lean why the lobster is the ultimate example of the American Dream.
I joined thousands of marchers in a BLM protest to the murder of George Floyd in 2020.
Perhaps the answer to equality needs to start with looking in the mirror.
Fighting an uphill battle is a rarely a wise strategy. Perhaps it's time to embrace the down...
Every year for every birthday, I ask a series of questions. Now I guess it's that time for me to…
An account of a fascinating conversation I had at a bar in Beijing. We talked politics, guns, and culture, and…