Chew on This

The Unique History of Cheesecake

The history of cheesecake can be traced all the way back to Greece. From the olympics to New York, get…

5 years ago

3 Places to Dream about while Wasting Away in Coronaville

Check out three of my all time favorite travel experiences!

5 years ago

Mastering the Gig Economy

If you’ve seen someone and asked, “How did they even get that job?!”, chances are I’ve done it. The gig…

5 years ago

A Global Look at Pancakes

A look into National Pancake Day and different types of "Pancakes" across the globe!

5 years ago

Should You Be Allowed to Sell a Kidney?: An Exploration into the Black Market for Kidneys

Chewing on the idea of whether or not it should be legal to sell a kidney.

5 years ago

“Will Eating this Make me Sick?”, an Insight Into Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Sihanoukville, Cambodia is unlike anywhere I've ever been. Here are my thoughts.

5 years ago

The Truth About Riding Elephants: A Deep Dive Into Elephant Tourism

Before you engage in elephant tourism, you might want to think again...

5 years ago

The Coronavirus, Chaos, and China Airlines Food… a Travel Day for the Books

What was it like flying from Hong Kong to NYC in February 2020? I'm here to tell you.

5 years ago

Is Instagram Ruining Food?

Instagram is changing the world of food one trend at time.  Outrageous concoctions of oozing, artery clogging goodness have taken over…

5 years ago