Australia Travel

5 Things You Need to Be Okay With to Get the Most Out of Van Life

Van life thrilled me to no end, but is it for you? Here are 5 things you need to be…

4 years ago

Falling Water at It’s Finest: Wallaman Falls

Wallaman Falls is the tallest single drop waterfall in Australia, and it is nothing short of epic.

4 years ago

Macca’s vs Mickey D’s: The Ultimate Cross Continental McDonald’s Breakfast Sandwich Showdown

My dad and I had the ultimate cross continental breakfast showdown: The Mighty McMuffin (Australia) vs Egg McMuffin (USA). Find…

4 years ago

A Platypus Love Affair and Waddling Echidnas: A Day of Monotreme Magic at The Platypus House in Tasmania

The platypus is a semi-aquatic egg-laying mammal that's only native to Eastern Australia. And oh yeah, the males are poisonous!…

4 years ago