Gig Economy

10 Weeks to 10K: Week 9 Rundown (and Why This Challenge Is Ending Early…)

Everything I made, spent, and saved for week 9 of my 10 weeks to $10,000 callenge.

1 year ago

10 Weeks to 10K: Week 7 Rundown

I've challenged myself to save $10,000 in 10 weeks, and October 19th marks the end of week 7. For last…

1 year ago

10 Weeks to 10K: Week 6 Rundown

Week 6 of my 10 weeks to $10,000 challenge has come and gone. Here's what I did, made, spent, and…

1 year ago

Look the Part: The Ultimate Gig Economy Wardrobe Starter Pack

Nothing is more panic-inducing than getting a *wardrobe update* email the night before a gig when you don't have said…

3 years ago

Mastering the Gig Economy

If you’ve seen someone and asked, “How did they even get that job?!”, chances are I’ve done it. The gig…

5 years ago