Welcome to the first weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to be a freelancer in the NYC gig economy, explaining what I earn, what I spend, and what I do on my journey to save $4,500 by November 30th.
NOTE: For legal purposes I will not be disclosing exact salaries or the brands I work with unless given permission.
I’ve always been a person who cannonballs in as oppose to taking it one step at a time. I’d like to say it’s because I’m an enthusiastic go-getter with a zest for life. But in reality, it’s because I’m impatient and don’t want to pay the cost of time for a slow and easy transition.
I arrived to NYC on Tuesday, October, 26th, and dived right into Gig World the very next day. It’s exhilarating being back. New York’s heart beat was depressingly quiet when I left in August 2020. Seeing the streets bustling, subways packed, and restaurants busy gives me hope that things will be okay after all.
While 73.4% of NYC residents are vaccinated, COVID is still present. People wear masks on the subways, which I love. (Lord knows what’s circulating in those cars.) If you’re vaccinated, you don’t need to wear a mask inside. (Although many people, including myself, do.) You must show proof of vaccination to get into restaurants, gyms, and events.
Overall, life is moving forward. The pandemic induced-anxiety that has been weighing me down is lifting, and it feels great.
I wasted no time getting to work, and it’s time for my first “Adventures in Gig World” weekly run down. Here’s what I did, what I earned, what I spent, and my thoughts and feelings.
1.Luxe Pack:
2. Street Team Promotion for a New App
3. New York City’s 48th Annual Village Halloween Parade
4. Bar Mitzvah: (Ongoing weekend side hustle. Stay tuned for the details in a future post!)
5. Online Work: Ongoing freelance writing and SEO work.
Grand Total: $465.14
(Note: These gig are W9, meaning taxes aren’t taken out. However, I’ve already paid my estimated taxes)
$1,138 from in person gigs and $150 for online work
Grand Total: $1,288
Total Hours Worked: 41 hours
Average Hourly Wage: $31.42/hr
It’s great to be back in New York and working with people again. The non-stop movement and hustle is refreshing after 14 months of working from my laptop. I feel motivated, inspired, and thrilled to be grinding it out once again.
My journey is Gig World is off to a solid start. Stay tuned to see what’s next 🙂
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that sounds like a VERY solid start! Enjoy it Katie - I am in isolation can you believe it??? From the day we opened up at 80% we had a case at my work.
OH no Andy I'm so sorry to hear that!!!! How long will you be in isolation for?
How is your rent so low in NYC?