Welcome to My Adventures in Gig World!

After 13 months of frolicking around Australia and 3 weeks at home in Virginia, I’m heading back to the rise and grind hustle of New York City.

The feeling is familiar. Excitement, nostalgia, tinges of anxiety, and salivating taste buds anticipating that first New York slice.  My  life is packed up in two suitcases that I’ll somehow negotiate through the subway because I’m too frugal to get a cab. My planner is already stuffed with gigs.

But this time is different.

I have an end date.

Returning to the Big Apple used to mean auditions, networking, and classes for an indefinite amount of time until booking the next dance contract. This time I know I’m leaving on December 23rd and I have one goal:

Make as much money as I possibly can.

Like many artists, COVID pushed me to pivot. Dance has taken the passenger seat to writing and travel. Perhaps dance will take the wheel once more. But I’ve discovered that exploring the world and writing about it gives me that same sense of fulfillment and total satisfaction. With no mortgage, no car, no long term commitments, no big fluffy cat, and a partner who’s just as eager to travel as I am, it’s the perfect time to pursue my new passions.

But travel costs money.

Online work covers basic expenses while on the road, but It’s time to hit the New York City grind to pad up my bank account to be ready for the adventures ahead. (Curious about how I afforded being in Australia for 13 months? Click HERE!)

I am diving head first into the gig economy, and I’m here to take you along for the ride!

Throughout November, I’ll be sharing stories about my gigs along with weekly recaps on how much I earn,  how much I spend, and, of course, any delicious eats I might have along the way.

You can find the details on the new “Gig” page under the “Think” tab.

But why?!

  1. We no longer live in a world where you need to work 9-5 for 5 days a week. I’m proof that it’s possible.
  2. If you hate your job and have come down with the travel bug like me, I’m here to show you that you can create that life for yourself.
  3. To answer the question, “Who even gets that job?!” (Hint: It’s Me)
  4. Gig work always leads to outrageous experiences and funny stories. If anything, this series might give you a few laughs along the way. 

So stay tuned for my adventures in Gig World! It’ll be anything but boring… guaranteed…

Be sure to subscribe below so you don’t miss a thing!


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