Gig World
Rebelling Against the 9-5
Rebelling Against the 9-5
The classic formula for life involves getting a job, and working at said job 5 days a week, likely 9am-5pm, to cover the price tag of life. You’ll get a couple long weekends and some vacation time, but that one job is the pillar that holds your life in place.
You might love your job! And that’s great!
But if you don’t, I’m here to show you that you don’t need to abide by the age old 9-5 if you aren’t happy doing it.
I’m sharing my gig economy stories to show you what life in gig world is actually like. Maybe I’ll inspire you to become a fellow gigger, or maybe I’ll just give you some fun stories to read when you’re in need of laugh.
The gig economy is a free market system where gig workers, AKA independent contractors/freelancers, are hired to complete a job. Once the job is done, it’s done. And you move on to the next gig. Gig workers have the freedom to accept or deny whatever jobs they want, and companies don’t need to worry about benefits or invitations to that annual holiday party.
I’ve mastered the gig economy, and I’ve racked up serious coinage and great stories to tell at parties along the way. I’ve been paid to drink champagne, I’ve driven a pedicab around Central Park handing out snacks, I’ve operating a cotton candy machine, I’ve even dressed up as a hot dog for a flash mob. If you ever look at someone and wonder, “How do you get that job?” Chances are I’ve done it.
The best part? I have full control over my life.
Short Answer: anyone can survive and thrive in the gig economy.
However, it’s particularly useful if you find yourself in the one the following scenarios:
I am taking on the New York City gig economy, and you can come along for the rid! Find out why and how here.
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If you’ve seen someone and asked, “How did they even get that job?!”, chances are I’ve done it. The gig economy is a crazy, wild world. Here are some of my experiences, and some tips on how to do it yourself!
Everything I made, spent, and saved for week 9 of my 10 weeks to $10,000 callenge.
A rundown of everything I made, spent, and saved for week 8 of my 10 weeks to 10K challenge.
I’ve challenged myself to save $10,000 in 10 weeks, and October 19th marks the end of week 7. For last week’s rundown, …
Week 6 of my 10 weeks to $10,000 challenge has come and gone. Here's what I did, made, spent, and saved.
I’m challenging myself to save $10,000 in 10 weeks, and October 5th official marks the halfway point! (Get the rundown of week …
I'm challenging myself to save $10,000 in 10 weeks. Here's a rundown of everything I made, spent, and saved in week 4.
Here's the rundown of what I made, spent, and saved in week 3 of my 10 weeks to 10K challenge!
I’m on a mission to save $10,000 in 10 week as a freelancer in the New York City gig economy. Get the …
I’m on a mission to save $10,000 in 10 week as a freelancer in the New York City gig economy. Get the …
I’m a full-time freelancer in the New York City gig economy. I do everything from dancing at Bar mitzvahs to handing out …
In the performance world you’ll hear the phrase “If you want to see who someone really is, watch how they treat the …
The New York City I lived in from March-August 2020 was empty, eerily quiet, and flat out scary. It was as if …
Parades in New York are nothing short from epic. There’s live music, often from big name stars, decked out floats with wild …
I’m documenting my experiences as a freelancer in the gig economy for the month of November. (Click HERE for the rundown of …
Welcome to the first weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to …
To kick things off for my Adventures in Gig World series, it seems fitting to share the story from one of my …
Nothing is more panic-inducing than getting a *wardrobe update* email the night before a gig when you don't have said wardrobe item. So I've put together a "Gig Economy Wardrobe Starter Back" with all the basics you'll likely need through your gig economy journey with tips on how to budget.
When I first began my journey in the New York City gig economy, I accepted nearly every job that came my way. …
Making a living as a freelancer in the NYC gig economy can be exciting, fun, and profitable. But it can also be …
Welcome to the fifth and final weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I have been taking you through what …
Welcome to the fourth weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to …
Welcome to the third weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to …
Welcome to the second weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to …
Finding gigs on Craigslist is like mining for gold. It takes time and you’ll find a whole lot of rocks and literal …
Welcome to the first weekly rundown of my “Adventure in Gig World” series. I’ll be taking you through what it’s like to …
There’s no subway system in the world like the one in New York City. It’s filthy, constantly under construction, and an adventure …
I am taking on the New York City gig economy, and you can come along for the rid! Find out why and how here.
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"What am I doing with my life?" If this question gives you as much anxiety as it often gives to me, don't miss this post!
The things that are “essential” allow provide food for the body, the things that are “nonessential” provide food for the soul. Here is a case for why my profession is "real."
New York City has taken me on quite the journey. It's been amazing, terrible, uplifting, and defeating. And I'd do it all again.
If you’ve seen someone and asked, “How did they even get that job?!”, chances are I’ve done it. The gig economy is a crazy, wild world. Here are some of my experiences, and some tips on how to do it yourself!
You never know what will happen when you walk onto the New York subway....
You never know what you'll see on the streets of New York City next...
Bibles for dollars? One person thought it was savvy, another did not...
You never know what will happen on the New York subways.
There’s nothing quite like a fresh original Auntie Anne’s pretzel— soft, warm, slightly buttery, and perfectly salty. Each bite nearly melts in …
You never know what will happen when you step onto the New York subway.
Nothing embodies the true taste of New York like a $1 slice of cheese pizza. Sometimes satisfying. Sometimes infuriating. Usually grungy. Frequently …