Introducing a New Challenge: 10 Weeks to 10K

I’m a full-time freelancer in the New York City gig economy. I do everything from dancing at Bar mitzvahs to handing out freebies on the street to working exclusive pop ups and events.

AKA: if you’ve ever seen someone and wondered, “Who even gets that job?!” Chances are I’ve done it.

I’m on a mission to show people that you don’t need a 9-5 to survive. You can be your own boss, do interesting things, and make serious coinage along the way.

Which brings me to my challenge…

10 Weeks to 10K.

What Does the Challenge Entail?

I am giving myself 10 weeks to SAVE $10,000 starting on September 1st.

And I’m bringing YOU along on the journey. Each week I’ll give honest rundowns of how much I make and how much I spend.

Why am I doing this?

  • To keep myself accountable.
  • To give myself a personal project (one thing I’ve learned about myself is that I thrive via personal challenges.)
  • My life is utterly wild and hard to explain to people. This will make it easier 😉 (Plus I guarantee it’ll be super entertaining because I often find myself in interesting scenarios…)
  • To give a first hand look at the New York City gig economy with tips and tricks along the way of how you too can get started if the lifestyle sounds intriguing…
  • Not to mention… I need to save up before the next adventure that starts on November 20th!

Will I reach my goal? I’m just as curious as you to find out….


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