I’ve challenged myself to save $10,000 in 10 weeks. Here’s the rundown for everything I did, made, spent, and saved for week 9. (For last week’s rundown, click HERE!)
On September 1st, I embarked on a challenge to save $10,000 in 10 weeks for a few reasons.
1. Goal setting is a fabulous way to stay motivated. As a freelancer, I don’t have deadlines to meet or quotas to reach. I have to set my own goals if I want that juicy dopamine spike of accomplishing something challenging.
2. I needed the $10,000 to hit my total savings goal before saying hasta la vista to NYC and heading out on the next adventure. Life has swung in a new direction and I no longer need that money. But I’m no quitter….
3. I wanted to show that you don’t need a 9am-5pm or “real” job to make a living. There are so many work possibilities out there, and the first step is just knowing they exist.
I will be ending my challenge a week early because… well… you’ll see at the end 🙂
Let’s dive into what I did, spent, and saved for week 9.
The Gigs:
1. Financial Conference Champions Party
The Event: A financial company hosted a big 2 day conference in NYC. Wednesday night there was an after party with food, drinks, and activities.
My Job: There were 5 different activations including 2 VR experiences, karaoke, basketball, and a baseball throw challenge. Each one had a celebrity related to the niche. I was at the VR fitness area, and my celebrity was a popular Peloton instructor. It was my job to manage the line and encourage people to try out the VR experience.
Hours: 5pm-11pm
Thoughts and Feelings: Through gig work, I get to experience all types of jobs. I’ve worked countless financial conferences, and there’s always one big takeaway– I never want to work in finance.
2. Three Mitzvahs
I had a double on Saturday and one on Sunday. All three went great!
3. Cat Sitting

There was a cat in my new pad that needed to taken care of for a few days. I was kindly compensated for it.
4. Frugal Foodies Partnership

A vegan cream cheese brand hired The Frugal Foodies to create content! And the vegan cream cheese was actually pretty darn amazing…
Pre-Tax Income:
How Much I Spent:
Food Out: $101.73
Transport: $34
Groceries: $38.68
Other/MISC: $14.90
Cost of Living: $297
Total Spent: $486.31
Total Saved: $1294.69
Which means I have saved a whopping $10652.35 in just 9 weeks!!!!
That’s right folks… I crushed my goal in just 9 weeks!
Interested in learning exactly how to do it? My masterclass recording is available! Click HERE for it!