
Anti-Lockdowns, Anti-Vax, Anti-Elitism: The Root Causes of the Australian Protests, Revealed

Saturday,  August 21st,  I followed Anti-Vax and Anti-Lockdown signs into the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. Immersing yourself in an opposing viewpoint is often the best way to understand it. I was ready to listen,  and the message wasn’t one I was expecting. The movement isn’t about being against the vaccine. It isn’t about wanting to go

Anti-Lockdowns, Anti-Vax, Anti-Elitism: The Root Causes of the Australian Protests, Revealed Read More »

Hashtag Burgers & Waffles: The Best Burgers In Brisbane?

Have you ever experienced love at first sight? You see a stranger across the room, lock eyes, and suddenly the outside world disappears. Cars and chatter become low murmurs. A warm tingly sensation consumes your body as you spiral into euphoric, unadulterated bliss. Nothing else matters in that moment apart from you and that person.

Hashtag Burgers & Waffles: The Best Burgers In Brisbane? Read More »

Lune Croissanterie Fitzroy, Melbourne

The Best Croissant in the World?: My Lune Croissanterie Let Down

“Set the bar low so you can only exceed expectations.” On the surface, this quote seems a bit bleak and a flat out crummy way to approach life. Shouldn’t you embrace people, places, and things with optimism!? Here’s the thing, a high bar leads to unrealistic expectations and inevitably leads to let down and disappointment.

The Best Croissant in the World?: My Lune Croissanterie Let Down Read More »


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