There’s nothing quite like a fresh original Auntie Anne’s pretzel— soft, warm, slightly buttery, and perfectly salty. Each bite nearly melts in your mouth, causing dopamine levels to blip up. Your eyes might close as your lips purr “Mmmmmmm.”
Despite being so delicious, I only have an Auntie Anne’s pretzel once a year for National Pretzel Day. Why? Because it’s free! For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a tradition of seeking out Auntie Anne’s every April 26th. (Surely my frugality began in utero…)
April 26th, 2022 I hopped on the subway and headed towards my free pretzel. I read online that I needed to download the Auntie Anne’s app to get my pretzel, I did so accordingly.
I could smell the aroma of pretzels before I could see the blue and yellow logo. My nose led me to the hole in the wall Times Square locale and I hopped in the short line. Or so I thought. A man and I nearly bumped into each other as the line moved forward.
He aggressively asked, “Were you behind him *pointing to the man in front of us*” I nodded. His tone got deeper and sharper as he asked, “Was she behind you?” To which the man shrugged. My line contender was big, strong, young, and oddly perturbed by this line debacle.
I sighed and said, “I’m really not worried about it… you go first.”
His furrowed scowl transformed into a beaming smile. “I just wanted to see how you reacted!”
I was shocked. Why was this man purposely trying to pick a fight? Perhaps he wanted me to throw a fit and have a “Karen moment.” Maybe he wanted to show the world how he is constantly walked over again and again. Perhaps he had some mental illness. Or, for all I know, he was a researcher with a hidden camera capturing people’s reactions.
If I’ve learned anything, it’s that accurately profiling someone in New York City is a fool’s game.
I insisted he go ahead.
I watched him order two delectable looking cinnamon buns. I eagerly stepped forward, excited for my yearly pretzel. I showed them the app, and they responded, “oh… the offer doesn’t come up for 24 hours…”
Nothing gets my blood boiling quite like wasted time. I turned right around and headed to Wetzel’s Pretzels to get my National Pretzel Day free pretzel fix.

I diligently reported my encounter to my Instagram followers, to which Auntie Anne’s responded, “You should be able to get your reward today!!”
Alas, I didn’t.
1 thought on “New York Snapshots: An Odd National Pretzel Day Encounter”
reading this post…. made me thirsty! 😛