5 Cheap Eats in NYC for $2 or Less

Everything seems to be more expensive these days. Rent. Groceries. Toilet Paper. Coffee. Inflation sucks… amiright? But I have good news: There are still frugal finds to be had in New York City! I’ve featured some solid eats for less than $15, $10, and even $5. Now, I’m going to new Frugal Foodies extremes….

5 Cheap Eats in NYC for $2 or Less!!!!!

Let’s dive in.

1. Pineapple Pork Bun from Mei Lai Wah, $2

Mai Lai Wah is a beloved spot in Chinatown that serves up stupidly delicious pork buns at ridiculously low prices. (They were a mere $1.50 when I first went years ago… now I believe they are up to $2.) The pineapple pork bun consists of a fluffy bun topped with a crispy sweet topping. It’s filled with a saucy, flavorful roasted pork filling that’s nothing short from exquisite.

This is my favorite cheap eat in NYC for $2 or less, and I grab one whenever I’m in Chinatown.

2. Sel Roti from Bhanchha Ghar, $1.50

Sel Roti from Bhanchha Ghar, $1.50

Sel roti is a traditional Nepali bread that’s made with rice flour, water, sugar, oil, and ghee. It’s made in a round shape, similar to a doughnut. It reminded me of a grittier, breadier mochi with a satisfying mouth feel and just enough sweet. The sel roti at Bhanchha Ghar comes with a spicy chutney, which makes for a wild flavor explosion that’s well worth the trip into Jackson Heights.

3. Sesame Ball From a Street Cart in Flushing, Queens, $1.75

Sesame Ball in Flushing

Flushing, Queens is New York City’s other Chinatown. You’ll find all types of popular Chinese street foods, including sesame balls. Sesame balls are.  We found this spot outside a mochi donut spot and it was perfectly chewy, not too sweet, and a mere $1.75. (Check out our Flushing Chinatown food crawl!!!)

4. Sponge Cake from Spongie’s Café: $1

sponge cake from Spongie's Cafe in Chinatown

A good sponge cake tastes and feels like you’re eating a cloud. They are soft, fluffy, and airy with a light sweetness that tickles the tongue. Spongie’s Café in Chinatown has been serving up sponge cakes for years. A must-try!

5. Cheese Slice from 2 Bro’s Pizza, $1-$1.50 depended on where you go

The $1 slice is perhaps the biggest casualty to inflation. While you might stumble upon a few $1 slice spots, most have upped their prices by a whopping 50%.

A $1.50 slice is still pretty darn cheap, and a great option if you are  hungry, in a rush, and on a budget. 2 Bros Pizza serves up slices that are edible. Although I can’t say the cheese has much flavor or the crust is good. Some locales have upped their prices to $1.50. Others are still at $1.

These 5 cheap eats in NYC for $2 or less are sure to satisfy!

And if they don’t…. luckily you only paid $2 🙂


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