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4 Reasons Why Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Supporters Should Be Anti-Texas Heartbeat Bill

When it comes to polarizing topics, abortion takes the cake.  “When does life begin?” is a surprisingly complicated question to answer. Is it at inception? When the heart starts beating (6 weeks)? When the fetus could survive outside the womb (usually 24 weeks, the standard set by Roe v. Wade)? Birth? Your answer will depend

4 Reasons Why Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Supporters Should Be Anti-Texas Heartbeat Bill Read More »

Anti-Lockdowns, Anti-Vax, Anti-Elitism: The Root Causes of the Australian Protests, Revealed

Saturday,  August 21st,  I followed Anti-Vax and Anti-Lockdown signs into the Brisbane Botanic Gardens. Immersing yourself in an opposing viewpoint is often the best way to understand it. I was ready to listen,  and the message wasn’t one I was expecting. The movement isn’t about being against the vaccine. It isn’t about wanting to go

Anti-Lockdowns, Anti-Vax, Anti-Elitism: The Root Causes of the Australian Protests, Revealed Read More »


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