Trying Out Online Side Jobs So You Don’t Have Too:

There are an overwhelming amount of side gigs out there, but which ones are actually worth your time? I’m trying them out so you don’t have to in this new Frugal Foodies series.

What Is and Can You Trust It?

JustAnswer is a site where users can ask experts questions about taxes, law, pets, relationships, home renovations, etc.  The site connects askers with answerers… voila! The perfect opportunity for gig workers to made some money on their own tim.

It is in fact legitimate, and you can sign up with confidence you’re not getting scammed.

How Long Does Sign Up Take for and Are Special Skills Required? screenshot

You actually have to be an expert for this one. A first for the internet. Signing up involves submitting a resume, certifications, work history, and references. Your information must pass a verification test, which can take a few days. If you don’t fit the bill, you won’t get the job.

Can you Make Money Off It?

If you are an expert, you might make some coinage off this one.  Check out the screen shot of how much users are paying for their questions. Making 20% of those rates isn’t too shabby! Experts in the more technical fields report earning reasonable money.

However, I did some digging online, and found that experts don’t always get paid for their work. In order to get commission, Askers must review the expert. They don’t always do so, meaning no $$$. I also found that there are numerous customer complaints about the site.

There are a few red flags here folks….

Will I Be Using Just Answers?

I applied to be a wellness expert, and I did not get the job. So no, I will not be using!   



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